Reducing WHS Risk Within the Workplace

Reduce WHS Risk Within the Workplace

While safety within the workplace is the responsibility of all, risk elimination within the workplace falls upon the person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU). If a risk can’t be eliminated, it must be minimised as far as is reasonably practicable.

Risk can be eliminated or minimised by implementing control measures that can help all workers to stay safe and healthy at work. Control measures include isolating workers from hazards such as toxic fumes or gases or substituting an unsafe work method with a less hazardous work practice.

Control measures must be regularly reviewed to ensure they are working as planned. Essential to the review and implementation of control measures is consultation. Consultation helps to identify and understand risks, leading to practical ways of managing these risks.

You have a duty to consult with workers, their representatives and other duty holders under WHS law. However, this process doesn’t have to be complicated, you can consult in a way that suits your business, your workers and the type of health and safety risks in your workplace.

The below infographic is a useful guide on how to consult with workers within your business.

Source: Safe Work Australia, October, 2022

For a more thorough investigation on best practices of WHS within the workplace, Leading Safety Training offers WHS Due Diligence to help CEOs, Directors and Managers understand and manage risk within their business.

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