Case Studies

OHS for CEOs, Directors and Managers – VIC edition

Case Studies
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1) LH Holding Management Pty Ltd (2021)
Year of offence: October 2021.  Date of decision: Feb 19 2024
Business type :
Incident :
A 25-year-old sub-contractor died after a forklift being operated by company officer with a raised load on a sloping driveway tipped over, landed on top of the subcontractor killing him.
Company fined $1.3 million
Officer ordered to pay $120,000 to victims family.
Officer also placed on a two-year Community Corrections Order to complete 200 hours of unpaid community work and a course in forklift operation
2) Primary School
Date of offence 2021, date of decision May 2024
Business :
Primary School, Department of Education
Incident : Year 2 student drowned in a pool during school event
The offender pleaded guilty and was fined $100.000
3) Elastomers Pty Ltd
Date of offence May 2021.  Decision: April 2024
Business :
Rubber manufacturing and distribution
Incident :
Operator fatally struck by machinery while performing maintenance on it.
Company fined $450,000